Losing The Arts, for you

It's been a long long time since I wrote my last blog post excitedly telling everyone that the documentary was finished and exported and finally ready to submit. And you might have been wondering well, where is it? If you have, thank you. It's ready now. I wanted to wait a while after thinking I [...]

Curtain call

The blog has been quiet over the last week but I have a good reason; Losing The Arts is complete! Everyday has been spent editing and re-editing clips, recording voice pieces, searching for sound effects and hassling lovely helpful people (so sorry Elizabeth) so that I could get to this point before the weekend. Let me tell [...]

The interval

Losing The Arts is in the middle of its production process. By now I hoped I would have the majority of my interviews completed, some audio and visual pieces recorded and know the general direction for my documentary to be going in. I might not have quite achieved all of those things just yet but I [...]

The plot twist

Today, Losing The Arts saw a slight shift in direction. Where the documentary originally intended to look at not only schools but also larger groups and organisations around the UK who may have suffered funding cuts, I am now narrowing down the focus to just how cutting down a curriculum to lose Performing Arts or [...]