Curtain call

The blog has been quiet over the last week but I have a good reason; Losing The Arts is complete! Everyday has been spent editing and re-editing clips, recording voice pieces, searching for sound effects and hassling lovely helpful people (so sorry Elizabeth) so that I could get to this point before the weekend.

Let me tell you a little more about the details of the week leading up to the curtain call.

I began editing and cutting up my interview clips a couple of weeks ago but looking back this probably wasn’t the most productive use of my time. At that stage I wasn’t sure what direction the documentary was going to go in and so didn’t know which clips would be of the most use to me.
When Monday of this week came around I knew I had to put my head down and really work hard to make something I was proud of and happy to eventually submit.

By Wednesday morning I thought I had a rough 7 minute piece that I would be able to play to my supervisor and be vaguely happy with. But I decided at around 10am that morning that I wanted to scrap everything I had and restart the entire thing.

I spent the day moving things around, recording new voice pieces, slotting in bits of interviews I had never even paid attention to before and by 3pm I had another draft.

My meeting with my supervisor probably couldn’t have gone better and I left feeling very positive and confident about how the documentary was going. All that was left to do was slot in some last pieces from actress Elizabeth and make the changes my supervisor suggested I do.

I finished the documentary later that evening and left the room (which I now feel is my second home) with a big smile on my little face.

Now all that is left to do is add some more multimedia features for my blog, send some final thank you emails to my interviewees and at long last, go home for Christmas.

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